ACTS Missions
San Angelo Chapter
An ACTS Retreat
An ACTS Retreat is a three day and night Catholic lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners. The parish -based retreat begins Thursday evening and ends Sunday at Mass celebrated with the parish community. Since ACTS Retreats are given by parishioners for parishioners, they serve to build Christian community at a parish. The retreats are built upon Holy Scripture and Catholic liturgical teachings.
The ACTS Retreat is designed to help retreatants enter into a deeper spiritual and personal relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ and fellow parishioners. This is accomplished on a journey that the retreatant experiences through Adoration and daily prayer, the call to Community in one's parish as a member of the Body of Christ, and Theology in encouraging the study of scripture and our Catholic faith. All of which emphasizes and encourages the virtue of Service to our Lord.
In this way, the ACTS Retreat fulfills the mission of:
"Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ among Catholic communities through ACTS."
The ACTS Retreat experience is rooted in the Paschal Mystery in that retreatants are invited to reflect on the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout the weekend, they are invited to prayerfully consider how they can respond to His love by spiritually surrendering to Jesus in order to have new life with Him. The focus of the retreat is derived from the pillars of the apostolate:
A response to God's love through prayer and worship
Participating in the One Body of Christ as Church
Deepening our relationship with God in order to better fulfill His will
Answering the call to discipleship by following the model He gave us
Those who attend an ACTS retreat share in an experience that has impacted more than one million lives worldwide since the first retreat in 1987.