ACTS Missions
San Angelo Chapter
ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter Training
ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter is excited to offer WebEx remote training in locations throughout the diocese. With a diocese that spans 37,433 square miles and 29 counties, this is a real lifesaver for us and the ACTS Community! We want to enable all the diocese ACTS Cores and parish communities to utilize the ACTS Retreats as an evangelization tool that inspires and ignites a fire for parishioners to build parish communities with a Christ-centered discipleship.
Thanks to our ACTS Cores for managing WebEx remote training locations at their parishes. With the assistance of the ACTS Cores, Chapter can keep the WebEx remote training cost to $10. If your parish isn't one of the WebEx training locations, you may choose to attend training at any location. Registering online and paying prior to class will make the retreat training more efficient, and timely. Please register online by completing the registration form below. Once your online registration is complete, please mail your payment to ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter, PO Box 1242, San Angelo, TX 76902. Registration for all classes begins at 8:30 am. Class training begins promptly at 9:00 am ~ 4:30 pm.
The next ACTS Core Training will be a WebEx remote class on December 14th, 2019. San Angelo & STACTS core members class will meet at Christ the King Retreat Center. Multiple WebEx remote locations are offered in Midland/Odessa: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton & Our Lady of Guadalupe. Please complete the form below to register prior to training. Core Charters are included with the $10 training cost. Click the link to the left to print the 2019 ACTS Core Charter.