ACTS Missions
San Angelo Chapter

ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter
Committee Descriptions
Our Chapters is always looking for ideas to grow our ACTS Community and bring ACTS to new parishes in our diocese and regional areas assigned by ACTS Missions. Please join us in this endeavor by volunteering to help on one of these committees. There are many opportunities for personal & spiritual growth when you serve your ACTS Community. Please offer your time and treasures to help ACTS!! After reviewing the committees, visit the Committee Registration page to sign up or inquire about how you can help.
Committee Descriptions:
Parish English Team Retreat: When you join this committee you may be asked to help parishes within our diocese that have an established ACTS Core develop, plan, and promote upcoming English ACTS Core parish retreats. You'll work at the parish or coalition level. Tasks may include joining the team or assisting in various outside tasks such as praying, fundraising, giving pulpit talks at parishes, cooking, or parking. Complete the Committee registration form and Chapter will send your contact information to an ACTS Core facilitator in your area parishes or coalitions. Your contacts for San Angelo and Small Town ACTS parishes are: Women - Edna Gomez, ednagomez59@yahoo.com, 325-650-5406 or men - Doug Klepac, dklepac@hotmail.com, 325-212-4206. In the Midland/Odessa area, please contact Amy Kerr at herdmomma@gmail.com or 325-227-3364.
Parish Spanish Team Retreat: When you join this committee you may be asked to help parishes within our diocese or regional area that have an established ACTS Core certified to have Spanish ACTS retreats develop, plan, and promote upcoming Spanish ACTS parish retreats. You work at the parish or coalition level. Tasks may include joining the retreat team or assisting in various outside tasks or events such as praying, fundraising, giving pulpit talks at parishes, cooking, and parking. Complete the Committee registration form and Chapter will send your contact information to an ACTS Core facilitator in you area or regional area. Contact: Baldo Medina, baldomedina@usa.net or 432-934-3555 or Elio Gaytan, eliogaytan@ yahoo.com or 432-528-1670.
ACTS Chapter Mission Retreats - English (men and women): New parishes wishing to bring English ACTS to their parish or coalition will contact the San Angelo Chapter ACTS Missioning Committee lead Vonda Wilde, vbw929@gmail.com or 325-656-5434 to establish ACTS. Outside tasks may include praying, fundraising, giving pulpit talks to parishes, cooking, parking, and various other tasks. If you've attended a retreat as a retreatant and served on two ACTS teams, you may be asked to join an ACTS Chapter mission team.
After ACTS Chapter selects the retreat director, the mission ACTS Chapter Missioning Committee lead, director, and mission team develop, promote, and plan to implement the first four retreats, two men and two women, at the new parish or coalition. After completion of these four retreats, ACTS Chapter will establish an ACTS Core to govern and support ACTS retreats and the ACTS community. Chapter will continue to assist the parish as needed in the first years. English ACTS missioning is in process for St. Mary in Odessa and Sacred Heart in Abilene.
ACTS Chapter Mission Retreats - Spanish(men and women): New parishes wishing to bring English ACTS to their parish or coalition will contact the San Angelo Chapter ACTS Missioning Committee lead Baldo Medina, baldomedina@usa.net or 432-934-3555 or Elio Gaytan, eliogaytan@yahoo.com or 432-528-1670 to establish ACTS. Outside tasks may include praying, fundraising, giving pulpit talks to parishes, cooking, parking, and various other tasks. If you've attended a retreat as a retreatant and served on two ACTS teams, you may be asked to join an ACTS Chapter mission team.
After ACTS Chapter selects the retreat director, the mission ACTS Chapter Missioning Committee lead, director, and mission team develop, promote, and plan to implement the first four retreats, two men and two women, at the new parish or coalition. After completion of these four retreats, ACTS Chapter will establish an ACTS Core to govern and support ACTS retreats and the ACTS community. Chapter will continue to assist the parish as needed in the first years.
Mission Retreat Logistics & Supplies: This committee will help ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter mission teams logistically plan and distribute supplies for mission retreats. Logistical planning can include assisting with mission parishes to let them know how to get retreatants to and from the retreat center, a plan for the placement of housing for team and retreatants, and services and ministries based on experience gained from serving on ACTS teams. Supplies control will consist of developing a method of checking supplies in and returning them to the ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter storage or an ACTS Core helping to mission a retreat.
Communications: Committee will build a communications network to promote, educate, and evangelize. All publications will promote trust, confidence, and growth of the ACTS community and all Catholics within our diocese. The committee will help plan, write, edit, and publish communications to the ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter Cores and community at large for upcoming events and gatherings. Committee will help keep all social media operations (English and Spanish) related to the ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter website, Facebook, and periodic communications updated.
Training: This committee will assist ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter by attending training and becoming certified to educate ACTS Cores, directors, co-directors, spiritual directors/companions for preparation of giving an ACTS retreat.
Music: This committee will help plan and perform music for ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter mission retreats and parish retreats when asked by ACTS Core for their participation. Music performances will consist of ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter’s socials/gatherings, fundraisers, retreat “Send Off” and “Candlelight’ (primarily mission retreats.)
Social/Gatherings: This committee will help develop, plan, and promote upcoming ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter social gatherings within our diocese. Events might include Masses, spiritual meetings or activities, dances, casino nights, and other fun activities that promote principles of living a Catholic life.
Finance/Fundraising: As retreat center costs soar, it is important that as an ACTS Community we support ACTS within our diocese by offering monetary assistance to those that would not otherwise be able to share in God’s great love and forgiveness offered by the Holy Spirit through ACTS Retreats. Funds will benefits retreatants that wish to attend ACTS retreats in the form of scholarships. Recipients will be required to pay a portion of retreat costs to help spiritually and financial invest and commit to attending the retreat. Retreats will be offered at the ACTS Core and ACTS Mission diocese retreat levels.
“Stay Connected” After ACTS (Spiritual – diocese): This committee will help us “stay connected” after our ACTS retreat is experienced. The committee will work with the ACTS Mission San Angelo Chapter and the San Angelo Diocese parishes, deaneries, and the ACTS community to determine what ministries are lacking servants to help pastors within individual parishes. They will also help parishes establish and grow small church communities in parishes at the request of the parish pastor. Programs, ministries, and all events will focus on Jesus and his discipleship by offering times/days of spiritual growth throughout our Catholic diocese as an ACTS community and proponent of other Catholic spiritual enhancing opportunities for English and Spanish parishioners within our diocese.