ACTS Missions
San Angelo Chapter
What is an ACTS Chapter?
An ACTS Missions Chapter is a group eight (8) to twelve (12) of lay people who form a subsidiary of ACTS Missions, and are the organization's legal representative in a diocese or region. As an evolving organization under the direction and guidance of ACTS Missions in San Antonio, a Chapter functions like an ACTS Missions San Antonio regional office through Articles of Association and falls under ACTS Missions 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. In areas where present, a Chapter is empowered to act by and through ACTS Missions authority to support and serve the parishes of a given diocese or region by fulfilling tasks that fall under the categories of education and evangelization. Chapter partners with the local diocese(s) to help fulfill Bishop Sis’s pastoral plan with respect to evangelization. This ensures that the Chapter is operating according to diocesan protocol, and the local Ordinary is invited to appoint a liaison for transparency. The ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter was established in 2011. Our Spiritual Advisor/Bishop Liaison is Father Tom Barley.
Chapter is responsible for educating the ACTS Cores and communities within their diocese or regional area by providing retreat training workshops for Retreat directors, co-directors, spiritual directors/companions, and ACTS core members. In addition to retreat training, Cores receive core training also. Chapters serve as an information resource for all ACTS related inquiries within the diocese.
Chapter also coordinates all Missioning efforts within the diocese to parishes that are interested in having the ACTS ministry brought to them. All new parishes that want to begin an ACTS Ministry in their parish, must contact our ACTS Missioning Leads to initiate the Missioning process. One of the primary function of an Chapter is to facilitate the missioning process of Catholic communities seeking to bring the ACTS retreat and an ACTS community to their parish. An ACTS Chapter strives to ensure the integrity of ACTS in all ACTS retreats.
What qualifications do you need to be on a Chapter?
Practice as a Catholics, in “good standing”
In full communion with the Catholic Church; to be verified by their pastor and ACTS Missions.
Committed to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the ACTS retreat.
Understand that they no longer represent ACTS at a parish level but now represent ACTS and ACTS Missions at
diocesan or regional level, and that the greater Mission comes first and foremost. -
Serve with true servant’s heart and have a willingness to dedicate time to the Chapter outside of the normal meeting times.
Highly experienced in ACTS:
Served on a minimum of three (3) teams
Held two (2) leadership positions (Core member, director, co-director, spiritual companion, or a service or ministry lead).
Possess professional skill-sets needed to manage an organization at a diocesan or regional
level (i.e. managerial, administrative, accounting, logistics, communications, training, computer,
organizational, and/or evangelizing skills.)
Clearly understand what ACTS is and is not as prescribed by ACTS Missions, as well as fully understanding the goals and challenges of an ACTS retreat.
Attend a Retreat training workshop and a Core training workshop within three (3) years prior to joining the Chapter. If not, members should attend these training within the first six (6) months of serving on Chapter.
Attend retreat and core training every three years.
Serve a maximum of six years on Chapter without permission from ACTSM in San Antonio.
A Chapter functions like an ACTS Missions San Antonio regional office through Articles of Association and Bylaws falls under ACTS Missions 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.
In areas where present, a Chapter is empowered to act by and through ACTS Missions authority to support and serve the parishes of the San Angelo diocese by fulfilling tasks that fall under the categories of education and evangelization. ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter is the diocese first point of contact for any questions related to ACTS in the San Angelo Diocese. You may send an email to actschaptersainfo@gmail.com or call 325-656-5434.