ACTS Missions
San Angelo Chapter
ACTS Training Workshops
Retreat Training Workshops - English
February 8, 2020 webex remote training with ACTS Missions trainers. Class locations throughout the diocese will be provided at a later date.
A one-day workshop designed to give a historical perspective and understanding of ACTS and its purpose. The training provides an explanation as to the need for uniformity and protecting the integrity of ACTS, and direction on facilitating an ACTS Retreat.
Attendance is required for Directors, Co-Directors and Spiritual Companions who have not attended a Retreat Workshop within three (3) years prior to the Retreat they are leading; all Core members who have not attended a Retreat Workshop previously. Team members are welcome and encouraged to attend to further their understanding of the ACTS retreat process.
Core Training Workshop - English
WebEx remote & on-site training:
A one day workshop required for all ACTS Core Members. Provides ACTS Cores with information to maintain and foster the ACTS apostolate within the parish community. The sessions cover leadership with the heart of a servant, team building compatibility, assimilating ACTS and post ACTS initiatives into the parish community, keeping ACTS integrity and the review of the ACTS Core Charter.
All Core members must attend Retreat & Core training within six months of taking office!
Retreat & Core Training Workshops - Spanish
Preparation are being made to offer Retreat and Core training in Spanish by our Chapter. Please contact Baldo Medina at 432-934-3555.